Reading, PA – The purpose of this grouting program was to compact supporting soils and stabilize a suspected sinkhole area within the existing Quadrant EPP facility. We suspected a sinkhole had developed at the east end of the facility. Based on our experiences working in this regional geology, we believed the subsoils consisted of silts and clays underlain by limestone bedrock, which are susceptible to Karst activity (sinkholes). The sinkhole appeared to have caused problems to an approximate 50 foot length of interior load bearing wall. Subsurface data was not made available when we produced the proposal. However, we understood the geology, had the knowledge, and were confident we could fix this problem. Review of readily available geological data indicated that the specific work area was located immediately adjacent to a contact between Geologic Formations. Formation contacts typically have a higher frequency of sinkhole activity. We planned accordingly.
Upon project completion, we drilled 1938 linear feet, and injected 292 cubic yards of grout into 64 hole locations. We completed this project in the quoted time frame, employing 1 drill crew and 1 grout crew. The scope of work on this project almost doubled. We are proud to say, we were able to finish in the original time quoted.